FIST 1996
1.Pretty Fighter

Pretty Fighter is almost good, it's not plagued by slowdown like other snes fighters, 6 button layout, but most of the moves lack impact, would have been better if they used 4, a lot of the animations end up being reused and sped up just to fill in all the buttons. AI is pretty cheap, at first you have to be really careful because your moves come out so fast and combo so poorly that the enemy ends up grabbing you though it.
That being said it tuns into a pushover once you start closing the gap and mash heavy punch and kick, your bound to get a few grabs, in between that might as well mash all the lights cause they come out comically fast, and are a good way to keep the computer blocking, your bound to overwhelm the AI.
backgrounds are so good that you get hungry, some of the characters can heal mid battle, really cool
here's what the endings looks like:

In addition, its the best one due to all the cutscenes, witch i ripped for your amusement at the bottom.
The music in all the games is really, really good, as expected its been redone here in CD quality and its great, I'd play some but blogger wont let me upload audio files, very shitty
Roster Additions:
Roster Additions:
as a bonus here's how you can rip Saturn videos yourself.
get the ISO/BIN version both are fine as long as you mount it, then run this program:
then launch it, select the virtual drive and pick from the img what file you want to open, in the tab theres also the option to rip it. the UI is clear, so you wont get confused.
then launch it, select the virtual drive and pick from the img what file you want to open, in the tab theres also the option to rip it. the UI is clear, so you wont get confused.

This is where it all crashed and burned, its got cameos from pretty fighter along with a few new ones.
(screenshot from the saturn version, cause the art is more appealing)
It swaps from the old 6 button layout to PKG. And now its in 3D but the gameplay is still 2D, so no sidestepping and shit. Controls feel slow like the moves come out a quarter of a second after you do the input. Best move is the grab G+P the distance is just right and the impact is great most satisfying move in the game by far. or maybe i suck cause Yuichiro Hase is tearing the games ass in half.
Graphics look rushed, not a lot of polygons where used, backgrounds are basic so its not like they where running out of horsepower, could have looked a whole lot better.
enough lamp shading, this game is pretty shit and you should not play it, PF/PFX where pretty competent for what they where, not the best console fighting games but no where near the worst eater. This on the other hand feels like they, only had around 4 months to develop it, maybe making it for the Saturn and PSX was the problem.
Made this because i wanted to play FIST on PS1/Saturn for the longest time, then i did and it was pretty bad but then i realized that its a part of the pretty fighters series cause a few of the characters makes a cameo, and how in japan FIST gets memed for being so bad.
Extra bonus here's a short comic from the manual i guess, cant find any of the manuals, but i sure found these imgs.